Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Till eternity, with love...

"The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure but from hope to hope.” - Samuel Johnson

Hello! I am Hope, the little winged thing that Pandora set free along with a zillion pests and perils. In fact, I’ve been very much around even before the Pandora story happened. But, everything and everybody needs a starting point. Don’t you think so too? So, here I am.

I’ve always wanted to write my story. But, you know what puts me off? My story can never have an ending! I go on forever…unto eternity.

C’mon, we don’t need a formal introduction, do we? I’ve met you before. Several times in fact. Remember the times when mamma used to leave you in that place every morning, kiss you, wave good bye and drive away? The place was full of tiny kids, just like you. Some screamed, some yelped, some giggled, and some just snoozed while many played. Remember, the first ever time mamma waved good bye and vanished? You were so terrified that she’d never come back. Suddenly, you felt a warm hand on your arm and a gentle voice that said, “Don’t worry. Mamma is gonna be back by evening.” I know, you thought it was the nice lady at the crèche who said that. No, it was me. Didn’t you feel my presence each day, everyday mamma left you there?

He he he…I also have a humorous side. Monsoon time and school time come hand in hand in your hometown in Kerala. It used to tickle my funny bone to get into your thoughts; make you wish hard that it would rain so much that the school bus would get stranded on the flooded roads; and it would be declared a holiday!I was with you through all those board exams; the times when you were not sure if mom & dad would get you that expensive outfit to wear at the school farewell day; the day when you decided that you would rather take up arts in college and not even attempt the ‘must do’ medical/engineering entrance exams that every Tom, Dick and Harry worth his salt took; the day you told dad you were in love; the day you realized Mr. Perfect was just Dodo dope!

Well, my story never ends….I go on.Am with you, forever. With love always…


Unknown said...

Dersana dear well written. I always love to read such kind of article and always wish i too could write like this but i know i can never. but beleive me there is a big fabulous book inside me which i know will never come out . So sadddddddddddd. Nee pandae valya writer alla? I still remember one of yr old article which u wrote looooooooooooong back "The bygone days" in which u wrote abt yr childhood yr grandfather etc etc. It was so fabulous that even now when i think abt it i'll get a pain in my heart. And a secret .............. after reading that i too tried to write but velicham kanikan kollilayirunnu. Anyways keep up yr good work and keep it posted.

Unknown said...

Dersana dear well written. I always love to read such kind of article and always wish i too could write like this but i know i can never. but beleive me there is a big fabulous book inside me which i know will never come out . So sadddddddddddd. Nee pandae valya writer alla? I still remember one of yr old article which u wrote looooooooooooong back "The bygone days" in which u wrote abt yr childhood yr grandfather etc etc. It was so fabulous that even now when i think abt it i'll get a pain in my heart. And a secret .............. after reading that i too tried to write but velicham kanikan kollilayirunnu. Anyways keep up yr good work and keep it posted.