Saturday, December 15, 2012

Of negativisms and opinions...

Met a lady at the holiday bazaar yesterday. She too had a stall - that of her paintings. Serenity, yoga, peace and calm seemed to be the main motifs she portrayed and I also overheard her talk these over to a stall visitor. The lady, however, was the picture of disconcertedness and seemed to very easily fret. In time, she asked me about my bakes and so more out of reciprocal goodwill I asked her about her paintings and then about her membership with the Arts group (the bazaar was conducted by a women's guild which has several interest/hobby clubs under it). "Oh yes, I'm a member", she said and continued, "... but then, anyone can become a member there. Most of them are housewives who are wanna be painters. Just look at the display and you will see", she piped. I looked around but not being an art connoisseur did not think all were bad. " Ah, I do see they allow wannabe's into the club, because I too am a member", I said :-). Quiet for a second,she felt the need to assert the seriousness of her talent (her pictures were indeed well done) and said, " You see, my pictures are an embodiment of what I'm feeling inside. I don't, like the others, select themes such as Life in Oman, places, etc. I draw from inspiration within". Ah, I see.  Later, she bought tickets for the charity raffle that was held and she won a little metal embossed picture. She came back and grumbled, " Ah! I don't like it at all". Later, she bought a little muffin from me and I repeated my refrain of, " please do let me know whether you like it or not". She ate but said nothing. After a while, someone came by my stall and got very excited when he saw my almond cookies ( I, of course, was delighted at such rapture). He said, " My friend bought these and gave me a piece. He wasn't sure which stall he picked it from. So, I came searching for it. This is so good". I was genuinely delighted and thanked him with, " Thank you for letting me know since not many people take teh trouble of giving positive feedback". A few minutes later, teh lady told me, " I liked your cake. It reminded me of the coconut laddoos I used to have in bengal during my childhood". The only good thing i heard her say in the 6 hours we spent as neighbours ( and, i dont mean good things about me).
I know I come out with acrid comments about people and instances that ire me. But then, people who know me also know that I'm equally lavish with praise and compliments too. But this lady and another acquaintance, who  seemed to state her opinions as if they were gospel truths, had me thinking...Unless, I get my act straight I will end up like them too. That doesn't mean I intend to turn into a saint. But, I will make it a point to begin the mental extrication process to remove from my mind the people who need'nt to have gotten there in the first place. And, reinforce the belief that I need not feel pushed to attend to every challenge for an arguement. Neither do I have to compromise on my principles nor do have to let them disrupt my peace. Also, I will have to eliminate those people who seem to latch onto me only in times of need and are nowhere in sight when I need a hand in return. Only my child, that too when she is this young, has the right to expect such unconditional, such self centred support from me. No one else. Hope to resume my yoga once the back ache settles. And, this does not mean the end of my 'cryptic cribs' on FB :-D

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